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Are your children creatively engaged when they are not in school?

Are you sure about their strengths and weaknesses; and how to assist?

Any interesting, questionable or exceptional behaviour?

Welcome to Childspeak/Teenspeak – Raising future leaders!

  • Self-presentation and public speaking
  • Self-expression, Personal Impact and Confidence
  • Behaviour Analysis, Correction and Management
  • Personality Profiling, Talent and Career path guidance
  • Creative and academic writing
  • Social skills and making choices
One-on-one coaching:

Available to all children aged 4 to 17 years.

Subjects covered include but not limited to:

Self- expression (public speaking, diction, managing nerves, voice, body language etc.)

Creativity (writing, language use, creative/critical thinking etc.)

Confidence (self-esteem, decision-making, choices, motivation, stammering intervention etc.)

Social Skills (behaviour change, table etiquette, social and cross-cultural interactions)

Language development (Diction, accent reduction)


Anytime, as desired and on appointment only

About Childspeak Kids Club (CKC):

Founded in 2004, Childspeak Kids Club is now one of the affiliate programmes of Caroline Communications Limited (CCL).

If manners maketh man, what manners reign supreme in our society today? Are our children in the habit of speaking up clearly and confidently, reading voluntarily, thinking critically and writing creatively? What men and women are we making of them?

Childspeak Kids Club is all about identifying and honing the full and true potential of our children. Our principal methodologies include the utilisation of creative projects and performance arts, discussions, games and fun-filled exercises. These are all in a bid to instil a genuine curiosity for the written word and eloquence in all forms of communication; while giving them the space to flex their creative thinking muscles under the guidance of a qualified role model/instructor.

Sessions for children and teens usually run as follows:

(Please note: Early booking is compulsory to allow us to plan sufficiently, in the children’s best interest.)

After-school sessions: Monday to Friday 4.00pm to 7.00pm

Saturday programmes: Half day: 8.00 am to 1.00pm

Holiday Camps- April, July/August, November/December:

Full day: 9 am to 4 pm (includes a hot, balanced lunch)

Half day: Mornings – 9am to 12.00pm or Afternoons – 1.00pm to 4pm

Overtime: Early drop-off (Before 8.30am) and late pick-up (after 5.00pm) available. We shall organise extra creative activities and snacks. A modest overtime fee will apply.


Level 1: 4-6yrs

Level 2: 7-11yrs

Level 3: 12-14yrs

Level 4: 15-18yrs

