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Expand your presence.
Project a high-impact personality.
Position yourself for extraordinary performance.

In order to stand out, you need to be outstanding. Standing out in today’s competitive world requires a strong personality, uniqueness and a level of impact above and beyond anything ordinary. Having a strong and positive presence can open up doors, get people to listen, pay attention, to buy, to commit and to support you which in turn can boost your confidence, increase your chances of success and prepare you to face new challenges. 

This course can be tailor-made for one-on-one coaching and in-house training.

In this highly practical training you will learn how to:

  • Brand yourself for optimum personal impact
  • Improve your inner and outer presence
  • Overcome shyness and present yourself confidently and competently
  • Make and deliver a powerful pitch
  • Leverage the power of small talk and stories to establish rapport
  • Use high-impact words and body language to get desired results

“Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we have to be in, all of us have to understand the importance of personal branding. We are CEOs of our own companies; ‘Me INC

To be in business today the most important job is to be marketer for the brand called YOU” -Tom Peters, Speaker/writer on business management practices, best known for In Search of Excellence