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Public Speaking can be daunting. Granted.

However, controlling nerves, competent use of gestures/facial expressions/pauses, scripting a winning speech, apt application of audio-visual aids, PowerPoint presentation excellence, audience management, confidence and a host of other presentation skills can indeed be learnt, honed and practised to perfection.

Join us at CCL and learn how to:

  • Manage your nerves and exude confidence
  • Establish rapport and engage your audience
  • Plan, prepare and structure presentations effectively
  • Deliver professionally; with style, passion and impact
  • Design and make powerful, compelling PowerPoint presentations  

As the CCL slogan boldly declares: It’s not just about WHAT you say; it’s HOW you say it! Would you like to propel yourself forward professionally, academically or socially? You too could be well on your way to becoming a dynamic and effective presenter!

Our Systemic Approach to Training & Coaching (Course Outline)

  • Self-awareness
  • Communication Basics
  • Managing Nerves and Building Confidence
  • Proper Preparation, Planning and Structuring
  • Voice Work
  • Non-verbal Communication: Body Language and Image
  • Powerpoint Presentation and Audio-visual Excellence
  • Audience Engagement and Adding Punch
  • Qualities of Effective Speakers: Speechworkout™ Video Playback
  • Disc: Communication-personality Profiling
  • One-on-one Coaching: Individual Coaching Session
  • Dynamic Delivery Skills: Dry Run for the Final Presentation
  • Grand Presentation/speech: ICM Certificate Assessment
  • Open Day: Progress Evaluation Seminar
  • Graduation Dinner or Retreat

This course is also available as one-on-one coaching and in-house training.